Exporting is a profitable way of expanding businesses across borders, spreading risks and reducing dependence on the domestic markets. We are aware that SMEs widely differ in their capabilities, resources and needs. To this end, we segment these firms into exporting phases, namely, pre-exporters, young exporters, passive exporters, sporadic exporters, regular exporters with little structure and consolidated exporters. These segmentations help us effectively diagnose the distinct needs of every firm as well as design programmes and strategies that enable them to succeed and grow in the international markets. We provide the following services:
- Consulting Services on Export destination countries, Sectors and Market opportunities
- Market intelligence & Trade Analysis
- Administrative issues related to Export documents, Free trade agreements, Origin of goods, Customs clearance, Trade Compliance; Trade Facilitation; Customs Warehousing; Transit procedures, etc.
Our diverse team, consisting of country experts, industry specialists, and trade analysts are ready to offer you services of the type best suited to your needs. Contact Us today, we will help you navigate the process, from start to finish.